Source code for dictdumper.tree

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""dumper a tree-view file

:mod:`dictdumper.plist` contains :class:`~dictdumper.tree.Tree`
only, which dumpers a tree-view text (TXT) format file. Usage
sample is described as below.

.. code:: python

    >>> dumper = Tree(filename)
    >>> dumper(content_dict_1, name=contentname_1)
    >>> dumper(content_dict_2, name=contentname_2)

# Writer for treeview text files
# Dump a TEXT file for PCAP analyser

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import contextlib
import datetime
import math
import os
import textwrap

from dictdumper._dateutil import isoformat
from dictdumper._hexlify import hexlify
from dictdumper._types import bytes_type, str_type
from dictdumper.dumper import Dumper

__all__ = ['Tree']

    from contextlib import nullcontext
except ImportError:
    class nullcontext:
        """Context manager that does no additional processing."""

        def __enter__(self):
            return self

        def __exit__(self, *excinfo):

# headers
#: Tree-view head string.
_HEADER_START = ''  # head
#: Tree-view tail string.
_HEADER_END = ''    # tail

# templates
#: Branch template
_TEMP_BRANCH = '  |   '  # branch
#: Spaces template
_TEMP_SPACES = '      '  # spaces

[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def indent(ctx, branch=True): """Indentation context. Args: ctx (:obj:`List[str]`): indentation context branch (bool): if ``True`` push the branch template (:data:`~dictdumper.tree._TEMP_BRANCH`) to the context, else push the spaces template (:data:`~dictdumper.tree._TEMP_SPACES`) Yields: ``None``: temporarily push a template to the context """ if branch: ctx.append(_TEMP_BRANCH) else: ctx.append(_TEMP_SPACES) yield ctx.pop()
[docs]class Tree(Dumper): """Dump a tree-view text (TXT) format file. .. code:: python >>> dumper = Tree(filename) >>> dumper(content_dict_1, name=contentname_1) >>> dumper(content_dict_2, name=contentname_2) ............ Attributes: _file (str): output file name _sptr (:obj:`int`, file pointer): indicates start of appending point _tctr (int): tab level counter _hsrt (str): start string (:data:`~dictdumper.tree._HEADER_START`) _hend (str): end string (:data:`~dictdumper.tree._HEADER_END`) _bctx (:obj:`List[str]`): blank branch (indentation) context record _nctr (int): branch number counter .. note:: Terminology: .. code:: value ::= branch | array | string | number | bool | N/A string |-- string | |-- string -> value | |-- string | | |-- string -> value | | |-- string -> value | |-- string -> value | |-- string -> value | |-- string -> value | |-- string -> value |-- string -> value, value, value |-- string -> True |-- string -> False |-- string -> N/A |-- string -> value |-- string -> value """ ########################################################################## # Properties. ########################################################################## @property def kind(self): """:obj:`str`: File format of current dumper.""" return 'txt' ########################################################################## # Type codes. ########################################################################## #: :obj:`Tuple[Tuple[type, str]]`: Type codes. __type__ = ( # string (str_type, 'string'), # bool (bool, 'bool'), # branch (dict, 'branch'), # none (type(None), 'none'), # date (, 'date'), (datetime.datetime, 'date'), (datetime.time, 'date'), # number (int, 'number'), (float, 'number'), (complex, 'number'), # bytes (bytes_type, 'bytes'), # array (list, 'array'), ) ########################################################################## # Methods. ##########################################################################
[docs] @staticmethod def check_newline(value): """Check if newline is needed. Args: value (:obj:`Union[Dict[str, Any], AnyStr]`): value to check if new line is needed Returns: bool: if newline is needed Notes: Newline is needed if 1. ``value`` is a :obj:`dict` 2. ``value`` is string (:obj:`str`) and its length is greater than 32 distinct characters 3. ``value`` is bytestring (:obj:`bytes`) and the length of its hex representation is greater than 40 distinct characters """ if isinstance(value, dict): return True if isinstance(value, str_type): return len(value) > 40 if isinstance(value, bytes_type): return len(hexlify(value)) > 32 return False
########################################################################## # Attributes. ########################################################################## #: int: Branch number counter. _nctr = 0 #: :obj:`List[str]`: Blank branch (indentation) context record. _bctx = list() #: Tree-view head string. _hsrt = _HEADER_START #: Tree-view tail string. _hend = _HEADER_END ########################################################################## # Utilities. ##########################################################################
[docs] def _encode_value(self, o): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Convert content for function call. Args: o (:obj:`Any`): object to convert Returns: :obj:`Any`: the converted object See Also: The function is a direct wrapper for :meth:`~dictdumper.dumper.Dumper.object_hook`. Notes: The function will by default converts :obj:`bytearray`, :obj:`memoryview`, :obj:`tuple`, :obj:`set`, :obj:`frozenset` to tree-view represetable data. """ if isinstance(o, bytearray): return self.make_object(o, bytes_type(o), text=o.decode(errors='replace')) if isinstance(o, memoryview): tobytes = o.tobytes() return self.make_object(o, tobytes, text=tobytes.decode(errors='replace')) if isinstance(o, (tuple, set, frozenset)): return self.make_object(o, list(o)) return self.object_hook(o)
[docs] def _append_value(self, value, file, name): """Call this function to write contents. Args: value (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): content to be dumped file (:obj:`file` object): output file name (str): name of current content block """, os.SEEK_SET) if self._nctr > 0: file.write('\n') file.write(name) self._bctx = list() # blank branch indent context self._append_branch(value, file) self._nctr += 1 file.write('\n')
########################################################################## # Functions. ##########################################################################
[docs] def _append_branch(self, value, file): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Call this function to write branch contents. Args: value (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): content to be dumped file (:obj:`file` object): output file """ if not value: file.write(' ') return self._append_none(None, file) vlen = len(value) for (vctr, (item, text)) in enumerate(value.items(), start=1): file.write('\n' + ''.join(self._bctx)) file.write(' |-- {item} '.format(item=item)) with indent(self._bctx, branch=vctr != vlen): enc_text = self._encode_value(text) func = self._encode_func(enc_text) func(enc_text, file)
[docs] def _append_array(self, value, file): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Call this function to write array contents. Args: value (:obj:`List[Any]`): content to be dumped file (:obj:`file` object): output file """ if not value: file.write(' ') return self._append_none(None, file) vlen = len(value) for (vctr, item) in enumerate(value, start=1): file.write('\n' + ''.join(self._bctx) + ' |-') if vctr != vlen: ctx = indent(self._bctx) else: ctx = nullcontext() with ctx: enc_text = self._encode_value(item) if self.check_newline(enc_text): file.write('-> --') func = self._encode_func(enc_text) func(enc_text, file)
[docs] def _append_string(self, value, file): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Call this function to write string contents. Args: value (str): content to be dumped file (:obj:`file` object): output file """ if not value: file.write(' ') return self._append_none(None, file) if len(value) <= 40: labs = '-> {text}'.format(text=value) else: labs = '\n' + ''.join(self._bctx) + ' |-' text_list = textwrap.wrap(value, 40) labs += '-> {text}'.format(text=text_list[0]) for text in text_list[1:]: labs += '\n' + ''.join(self._bctx) + ' {text}'.format(text=text) file.write(labs)
[docs] def _append_bytes(self, value, file): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Call this function to write bytes contents. Args: value (bytes): content to be dumped file (:obj:`file` object): output file """ if not value: file.write(' ') return self._append_none(None, file) value_hex = hexlify(value) if len(value_hex) <= 32: text = ' '.join(textwrap.wrap(value_hex, 2)) labs = '-> {text}'.format(text=text) else: labs = '\n' + ''.join(self._bctx) + ' |-' text_list = textwrap.wrap(value_hex, 32) text = ' '.join(textwrap.wrap(text_list[0], 2)) labs += '-> {text}'.format(text=text) for item in text_list[1:]: text = ' '.join(textwrap.wrap(item, 2)) labs += '\n' + ''.join(self._bctx) + ' {text}'.format(text=text) file.write(labs)
[docs] def _append_date(self, value, file): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Call this function to write date contents. Args: value (:obj:`Union[, datetime.datetime, datetime.time]`): content to be dumped file (:obj:`file` object): output file """ text = isoformat(value) labs = '-> {text}'.format(text=text) file.write(labs)
[docs] def _append_number(self, value, file): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Call this function to write number contents. Args: value (:obj:`Union[int, float, complex]`): content to be dumped file (:obj:`file` object): output file """ if math.isnan(value): text = str_type(value).replace(u'nan', u'NaN') elif math.isinf(value): text = str_type(value).replace(u'inf', u'Infinity') else: text = value labs = '-> {text}'.format(text=text) file.write(labs)
[docs] def _append_bool(self, value, file): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Call this function to write bool contents. Args: value (bool): content to be dumped file (:obj:`file` object): output file """ text = 'True' if value else 'False' labs = '-> {text}'.format(text=text) file.write(labs)
[docs] def _append_none(self, value, file): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use """Call this function to write none contents. Args: value (``None``): content to be dumped file (:obj:`file` object): output file """ text = 'NIL' labs = '-> {text}'.format(text=text) file.write(labs)