Source code for dictdumper.dumper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""base dumper

:mod:`~dictdumper.dumper` contains :class:`~dictdumper.dumper.Dumper` only,
which is an abstract base class for all dumpers, eg. :class:`~dictdumper.vuejs.VueJS`,
:class:`~dictdumper.json.JSON`, :class:`~dictdumper.plist.PLIST`,
:class:`~dictdumper.tree.Tree`, and :class:`~dictdumper.xml.XML`.

# Abstract Base Class of Dumpers
# Pre-define useful arguments and methods of dumpers

import abc
import collections
import os
import warnings

from dictdumper._types import str_type

__all__ = ['Dumper']

[docs]def deprecated(cls): """Deprecation warning. Args: cls (object): the class to mark as deprecated Returns: object: The original ``cls`` itself. """ warnings.warn('%s is deprecated' % cls.__name__, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return cls
[docs]class DumperError(TypeError): """Unsupported content type."""
[docs]class Dumper(object): # pylint: disable=metaclass-assignment,useless-object-inheritance """Abstract base class of all dumpers. .. code:: python >>> dumper = Dumper(file_name) >>> dumper(content_dict_1, name=content_name_1) >>> dumper(content_dict_2, name=content_name_2) ............ Attributes: _file (str): output file name _sptr (:obj:`int`, file pointer): indicates start of appending point _tctr (int): tab level counter _hsrt (str): start string (``_HEADER_START``) _hend (str): end string (``_HEADER_END``) """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta ########################################################################## # Properties. ########################################################################## # file format of current dumper @property @abc.abstractmethod def kind(self): """:obj:`str`: File format of current dumper.""" @property def filename(self): """:obj:`str`: Output file name.""" return self._file ########################################################################## # Type codes. ########################################################################## #: :obj:`Tuple[Tuple[type, str]]`: Type codes. __type__ = tuple() ########################################################################## # Methods. ##########################################################################
[docs] @staticmethod def make_object(o, value, **kwargs): """Create an object with convertion information. Args: o (Any): object to convert value (Any): converted value of ``o`` **kwargs: additional information for the convertion Returns: :obj:`Dict[str, Any]`: Information context of the convertion. """ obj = collections.OrderedDict() obj['type'] = str_type(type(o).__name__) obj['value'] = value for key, val in kwargs.items(): obj[key] = val return obj
[docs] def object_hook(self, o): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use """Convert content for function call. Args: o (:obj:`Any`): object to convert Returns: :obj:`Any`: the converted object """ return o
[docs] def default(self, o): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use """Check content type for function call. Args: o (:obj:`Any`): object to check Raises: :exc:`DumperError`: ``o`` is an unsupported content type """ raise DumperError('unsupported content type: %s' % type(o).__name__)
########################################################################## # Attributes. ########################################################################## #: :obj:`int`, file pointer: Indicates start of appending point. _sptr = os.SEEK_SET # seek pointer #: :obj:`int`: Tab level counter. _tctr = 1 # counter for tab level #: Dumper head string. _hsrt = '' #: Dumper tail string. _hend = '' ########################################################################## # Data models. ########################################################################## def __new__(cls, fname, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self = super(Dumper, cls).__new__(cls) return self
[docs] def __init__(self, fname, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Initialise dumper. Args: fname (str): output file name **kwargs: addition keyword arguments for initialisation """ self._file = fname # dump file name self._dump_header() # initialise output file
[docs] def __call__(self, value, name=None): """Dumper a new block. Args: value (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): content to be dumped name (:obj:`Optional[str]`): name of current content block Returns: :class:`Dumper`: the dumper class itself (to support chain calling) """ with open(self._file, 'r+') as file: self._append_value(value, file, name) self._sptr = file.tell() file.write(self._hend) return self
########################################################################## # Utilities. ##########################################################################
[docs] def _dump_header(self): """Initially dump file heads and tails.""" with open(self._file, 'w') as file: file.write(self._hsrt) self._sptr = file.tell() file.write(self._hend)
[docs] def _encode_func(self, o): """Check content type for function call. Args: o (:obj:`Any`): object to check See Also: If the type of ``o`` is not defined in :attr:`~Dumper.__type__`, the function refers to :meth:`~Dumper.default` for custom hooks. """ name = None for (kind, code) in self.__type__: if isinstance(o, kind): name = code break if name is None: name = self.default(o) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return func = '_append_%s' % name return getattr(self, func)
[docs] def _encode_value(self, o): """Convert content for function call. Args: o (:obj:`Any`): object to convert Returns: :obj:`Any`: the converted object See Also: The function is a direct wrapper for :meth:`~Dumper.object_hook`. """ return self.object_hook(o)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def _append_value(self, value, file, name): """Call this function to write contents. Args: value (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): content to be dumped file (:obj:`file` object): output file name (str): name of current content block """